A Letter From F. C. D. Wyneken to Johann Haesbaert Translated by Rev. Robert E. Smith With the Assistance of Erika Bulmann Flores From: _Lutherische Kirchenzeitung und Allgemeines Schulblatt_ 15 November 1838. Cols. 3-4. Fort Wayne, 1 October [1838] Dear Brother in the Lord! After you had left me at the train station in Havre De Grace, I felt like a stranger in a strange land for the first time. This feeling lasted for a day, until I arrived at Zelienople, not far from Pittsburgh. I bought a horse there and trotted out through the forested land, cheerfully and joyfully. I felt much better then. Whether I was alone or traveling in the best of company, I could, any time I wanted to, merely pull out my beloved Paul Gerhardt book or New Testament and put them back in my pocket when I was done. Sometimes my heart was so full of the sweet, cheerful grace of my Savior, that I had to laugh, to sing loudly, to have a joyful heart and to praise my Lord. America is a strange place. Outside of church, I still haven't heard anyone sing. I still can't believe that Americans can travel and work in such a beautiful forest, and not sing. It's doesn't endear me to the people's personality. From time to time I grow weary, since I am a stranger riding on uninhabited wilderness trails. Many times, however, it is pleasent, especially if Christian brother and I can refresh each other once in a while. *** [Die Reise hat fšr mich, als einen Fremden, des Reitens und solcher Buschwege ganz ungewohnt, manches Beschwerliche gehabt, aber auch viel Angenehmes, namentlich wenn ich mich einmal mit einem christlischen Bruder erquicken konnte.] For me, the stranger who is unaccostumed to riding on wilderness trails, the journey was often arduous, but there is also pleasure, especially when I was able to take refreshments from a Christian brother.*** Although I wasn't supposed to begin my missionary activity in Ohio, I was forced by luck, as the world speaks of it, to minister in Allen and Putnam Counties, because I found a few German settlers who hadn't heard a sermon in years. They tearfully begged me to stay with them awhile. I stayed in two settlements for eight days. I preached every day, one of the days I preached twice. I confirmed a young husband, who had been instructed, but hadn't as yet received Holy Communion. I baptized 13 children, (ten of them at the same time, most of them almost fully grown up) a mother of two children, and a grown up, 18 year old girl, ..?.. ***[auf welches die Gnade des Herrn besonders gewirkt zu haben schien] who seemed to be especially affected by the Lord's mercy.*** The people were so delighted to receive God's Word and the Bread of Life once more, that I couldn't thank the Lord enough for His love, because, at the very beginning of my ministry, He had led me to such hungry hearts. I arrived here in Fort Wayne eight days ago. I have already preached five times here and in two neighboring settlements, baptized and conducted funerals. And now the people want very much to keep me. They deeply morn the loss of sainted Brother Huber [Rev. Jesse Hoover], who died several months ago, and whose work here was blessed extrordinarily. Should it be the Lord's will, to allow me to stay here, may He give me the strength and the faithfulness to work the way Huber did. I've told the church council of the local congregation to write the executive committee your society about it. However, I would travel on farther in the morning and would return here in four weeks to find out the answer. I am happy to do the Lord's Will, and now may He guide the Committee's heart as He wills. I am content with everything, as long as I know that I am working where the Lord wants me to work. It will probably be a few years, dear brother, before I will see you in Baltimore again. Even then, perhaps, only if I return to my beloved Germany. The Lord grant only, that both of us be found again to be assisted and prfound disciples of our Lord, and give us much to tell about His love and mercy, and His great, saving faithfullness, with which he has worked for our soul. ***[Der Herr gebe nur, daá wir uns beide als gef”rderte und tiefgegrndete Jnger unseres Herrn wiederfinden, und uns viel zu erz„hlen haben von seiner Liebe und Barmherzigkeit, und seiner groáen Heilandstrue, womit er an unsern Seelen gearbeitet hat.] May the Lord grant that we will meet again as useful and profound disciples of our Lord, having much to tell each other about His love and mercy, and His great saving faithfulness with which he has worked for our souls.*** Now, be well! Lock me away in your prayers, beg you sincerely. The Lord grant many blessings to your church and your home. May He prepare you with His power, and richly build you up, should your work be hard. His peace be with you and Your brother in the Lord, Fr. Wyneken