_THE MINISTRY: OFFICES, PROCEDURES, and NOMENCLATURE_ A Report of the Commission on Theology and Church Relations of The Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod September 1981 Part 1 Citations from the Lutheran Confessions are taken from The Book of Concord edited by T. G. Tappert (Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1959), and, in some cases, Concordia Triglotta. The following abbreviations have been used: AC - Augsburg Confession Ap - Apology of the Augsburg Confession FC - Formula of Concord LC - Large Catechism SD - Solid Declaration of the Formula of Concord Trig. - Concordia Triglotta Scripture quotations in this publication are from the Revised Standard Version of the Bible, copyrighted 1946, 1952, 1971, 1973 (except when otherwise noted). Used by permission. __________________________________________________________ CONTENTS Introduction I. The Ministry in the Lutheran Confessions II. Definitions and Distinctions A. Ministry B. The Office of the Keys C. The Office of the Public Ministry D. Office and Function E. Other Offices in the Church F. One Ministry or Many? G. Parish and Non-Parish Pastors H. Ordination III. Theses on the Office of the Public Ministry and Auxiliary Offices IV. Some Practical Applications Summary Appendix: C. F. W. Walther's Theses on the Ministry Notes __________________________________________________________ INTRODUCTION This report on "the ministry" has _THE MINISTRY: OFFICES, PROCEDURES, and NOMENCLATURE_ A Report of the Commission on Theology and Church Relations of The Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod September 1981 Part 1 Citations from the Lutheran Confessions are taken from The Book of Concord edited by T. G. Tappert (Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1959), and, in some cases, Concordia Triglotta. The following abbreviations have been used: AC - Augsburg Confession Ap - Apology of the Augsburg Confession FC - Formula of Concord LC - Large Catechism SD - Solid Declaration of the Formula of Concord Trig. - Concordia Triglotta Scripture quotations in this publication are from the Revised Standard Version of the Bible, copyrighted 1946, 1952, 1971, 1973 (except when otherwise noted). Used by permission. __________________________________________________________ CONTENTS Introduction I. The Ministry in the Lutheran Confessions II. Definitions and Distinctions A. Ministry B. The Office of the Keys C. The Office of the Public Ministry D. Office and Function E. Other Offices in the Church F. One Ministry or Many? G. Parish and Non-Parish Pastors H. Ordination III. Theses on the Office of the Public Ministry and Auxiliary Offices IV. Some Practical Applications Summary Appendix: C. F. W. Walther's Theses on the Ministry Notes __________________________________________________________ INTRODUCTION This report on "the ministry" has been prepared in response to questions and requests for guidance from many areas of The Lutheran Church -- Missouri Synod. The Commission on Theology and Church Relations has conducted a thorough exegetical investigation of this subject. The results of this study have been discussed in conversations and conferences with District presidents, presidents and representatives of the Synod's teacher colleges, seminary faculties, and other leaders of the church. The manner in which the church considers issues relating to the doctrine of the ministry is important for the church and also for the men and women whose lives and services are involved. For instance, the church needs to distinguish the office of "the teacher" from the office of "the pastor," and yet to do so while paying full respect and honor to each. This necessitates a consideration of terminology end definitions. Words such as "ministry," "ordination," "installation," Pastor," "teacher," and "call" possess a variety of meanings for various people. These terms have taken on different connotations as they have evolved in our pluralistic, 20th-century society. Questions concerning ministry must be approached on a number of levels. On certain levels we must speak with the authority of divine revelation. On other levels we speak in awareness that even adiaphora (things indifferent in themselves) may become matters of confession (FC SD, X). on yet a different level we may seek uniformity in the church as we use our freedom in awareness of the influence of our choices upon others. On still another level we must speak with integrity and clarity in our pluralistic society and to governmental agencies whose decisions impinge upon the personnel of the church. We must therefore take into account the following factors in this consideration of the ministry: 1. Some matters pertaining to ministry are set forth in the Holy Scriptures and are not negotiable in a church that declares God's Word to be its norm. Moreover, in a confessional church attention must be paid to those documents which are accepted as a true exposition of the Scriptures. What is taught and practiced in The Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod about the ministry must be in agreement with The Book of Concord. 2. Some matters regarding the ministry, although not divinely commanded by the Lord or by apostolic authority, have suggested patterns or models in Scripture. 3. Some matters concerning ministry, having developed by common agreement and usage, are not "doctrine" but have contributed to good order in the church. 4. Some aspects of the ministry are in themselves matters of freedom, except that the usage, understanding, and sensitivities of fellow Christians and sister churches must be carefully taken into account. 5. In a study of this type consideration must also be given to the understanding and usage of certain terms relating to the ministry in non- Lutheran churches and even among unchurched members of our society. For instance, "clergy" may mean simply a professional and duly authorized worker in some religious enterprise. It may mean something different to a hospital administration that issues "clergy" passes for parking privileges. 6. Matters of ministry are of concern to some governmental agencies. In the United States, for example, agencies concerned with internal revenue and selective service for the military require accurate definitions. While the exigencies of state-church interaction cannot dictate our doctrine of the ministry, proper and consistent definitions are needed to avoid confusion and inconvenience. 7. Finally, inadequate definitions of terms tend to lead to a drift into practices that create confusion in the church and that may even contradict sound doctrine. The result is confusion in the minds of both the lay members of the church and of those who work professionally in the church in various capacities. I. THE MINISTRY IN THE LUTHERAN CONFESSIONS Since we are examining the doctrine of the ministry in the Lutheran Church, it is important to note the following passages from the Lutheran Confessions that set forth the doctrine of the ministry: Augsburg Confession That we may obtain this faith [i.e., that we are justified by grace, through faith, for the sake of Christ], the Ministry of Teaching the Gospel and administering the Sacraments was instituted. For through the Word and Sacraments, as through instruments, the Holy Ghost is given, who works faith, where and when it pleases God, in them that hear the Gospel, to wit, that God, not for our own merits, but for Christ's sake, justifies those who believe that they are received into grace for Christ's sake (AC V, 1-3, Trig., p. 45). Of Ecclesiastical Order they teach that no one should publicly teach in the Church or administer the Sacraments unless he be regularly called (AC XIV, Trig., p. 49). But this is their opinion, that the power of the Keys, or the power of the bishops, according to the Gospel, is a power or commandment of God, to preach the Gospel, to remit and retain sins, and to administer Sacraments.... This power is exercised only by teaching or preaching the Gospel and administering the Sacraments, according to their calling, either to many or to individuals (AC XXVIII, 5, 8, Trig., p. 85). Apology of the Augsburg Confession The church has the command to appoint ministers; to this we must subscribe wholeheartedly, for we know that God approves this ministry and is present in it (Ap XIII, 12). Treatise on the Power and Primacy of the Pope The second article is even clearer than the first because Christ gave the apostles only spiritual power, that is, the command to preach the Gospel, proclaim the forgiveness of sins, administer the sacraments, and excommunicate the godless without physical violence. He did not give them the power of the sword or the right to establish, take possession of or transfer the kingdoms of the world. For Christ said, "Go therefore and teach them to observe all that I have commanded you" (Matt. 28:19, 20), and also, "As the Father has sent me, even so I send you" (John 20:21). Moreover, it is manifest that Christ was not sent to wield a sword or possess a worldly kingdom, for he said, "My kingship is not of this world" (John 18:36). Paul also said, "Not that we lord it over your faith" (II Cor. 1:24), and again, "The weapons of our warfare are not worldly," etc. (II Cor. 10:4) (Treatise, 31). For wherever the church exists, the right to administer the Gospel also exists. Wherefore it is necessary for the church to retain the right of calling, electing, and ordaining ministers. This right is a gift given exclusively to the church and no human authority can take it away from the church. It is as Paul testifies to the Ephesians when he says, "When he ascended on high he gave gifts to men" (Eph. 4:8,11,12). He enumerates pastors and teachers among the gifts belonging exclusively to the church, and he adds that they are given for the work of ministry and for building up the body of Christ. Where the true church is, therefore, the right of electing and ordaining ministers must of necessity also be.... Finally, this is confirmed by the declaration of Peter, "You are a royal priesthood" (I Pet. 2:9). These words apply to the true church which, since it alone possesses the priesthood, certainly has the right of electing and ordaining ministers. The most common custom of the church also bears witness to this, for there was a time when the people elected pastors and bishops. Afterwards a bishop, either of that church or of a neighboring church, was brought in to confirm the election with the laying on of hands; nor was ordination anything more than such confirmation.... From all these facts it is evident that the church retains the right of electing and ordaining ministers. Wherefore, when the bishops are heretics or refuse to administer ordination, the churches are by divine right compelled to ordain pastors and ministers for themselves (Treatise, 67-72). These passages from the Lutheran Confessions emphasize the following aspects of the Lutheran understanding of the ministry: --God has given the Word and sacraments that people may come to faith. --God has arranged that the Word and sacraments should be taught and administered. --Since such a ministry has been established by God, individuals are called to be ministers by the church. --Those who are called to be ministers hold and exercise the office of the ministry. --The Power or Office of the Keys, given by Christ to the church, is exercised publicly on behalf of the church by the called ministers. --The power of the ministers is the power to preach the Gospel, administer the sacraments, and forgive and retain sins. --The power of the ministry is not a temporal power but a power in spiritual matters of Word and sacrament. --Ministers cannot arrogate such authority to themselves, but it must be conferred by the call of the church. II. DEFINITIONS AND DISTINCTIONS A. MINISTRY The word "ministry" can be and frequently is used in more than one sense. Francis Pieper points this out as he begins his discussion of the public ministry: The term "ministry" is used both in Scripture and by the Church in a general, or wider, and in a special, or narrower, sense. In the wider sense it embraces every form of preaching the Gospel or administering the means of grace, whether by Christians in general, as originally entrusted with the means of grace and commissioned to apply them, or by chosen public servants (ministri ecclesiae) in the name and at the command of Christians. In this article we are speaking of the public ministry in the narrower sense, that is, of the office by which the means of grace, given originally to the Christians as their inalienable possession, are administered-by order and on behalf of Christians.l There are those who would prefer to use the term "ministry" only in the narrower sense. They feel that this avoids confusion. Others feel that to speak of "the ministry of the laity" is not only permissible but even essential, so that the individual witnessing and teaching of Christians in general may be properly stressed and dignified. The service of all Christians is intimately connected with the public ministry. All Christians are commissioned in 1 Peter 2:9: "But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's own people, that you may declare the wonderful deeds of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light." In Ephesians 4 special offices are pointed out as given by God to equip the saints for the work of serving (eis ergon diakonias).2 The absence in this report of a detailed discussion of the privilege and responsibility of all Christians to proclaim the Gospel does not indicate a disregard for that service. Here the focus is on the ministry ininistry in the church. ________________________________________ B. THE OFFICE OF THE KEYS The church is not left to itself to decide what it shall preach and teach. God has commanded and empowered the church to proclaim the Law and the Gospel. He has instituted the sacraments and commended them to the church, and He has authorized the forgiving `çk bpïnder the supervision of 'the holders of the pastoral office. Such offices are established by the church as the need arises, and their specific functions are determined by the church. The most common auxiliary office today is the office of the teaching ministry. Details regarding these definitions are presented below. ________________________________________ 1 Francis Pieper, Christian Dogmatics, 3 vols. (St. Lou of office referred to in Scripture as "shepherd," "elder," or "overseer." This term is equivalent to "the pastoral office." Within this of office are contained all the functions of the ministry of Word and sacrament in the church. Auxiliary Offices - These are offices established by the church. Those who are called to serve in them are authorized to perform certain of the function(s) of the office of the public ministry. These offices are "ministry" and they are "public," yet they are not the office of the public ministry. Rather, they are auxiliary to that unique pastoral office, and those who hold these of offices perform their assigned functions under the supervision of 'the holders of the pastoral office. Such offices are established by the church as the need arises, and their specific functions are determined by the church. The most common auxiliary office today is the office of the teaching ministry. Details regarding these definitions are presented below. __________________ Office of the Keys is "the peculiar church power which Christ has given to His church on earth." It belongs to the whole church. However, its exercise is not left merely to the efforts of individual Christians or to the uncertain ventures of self starting, charismatic individuals. The church, as a single congregation or as a group of congregations, must call and authorize certain of its members to function publicly on its behalf. The public ministry, it is here maintained, is not a mere human arrangement or the product of sociological evolution but a divine arrangement from the beginning of the New Testament church. Already in the Old Testament God arranged for the priesthood and prescribed the manner of the selection of the priests. He also called and sent the prophets. Thehorized the forgiving and retaining of sins. The Law, of course, does an alien work. Through it the Holy Spirit brings people to an awareness of their sinful state and drives them to repentance. The Gospel alone, in Word and sacrament, is the means by which the Holy Spirit creates and sustains faith. The Office of the Keys is "the peculiar church power which Christ has given to His church on earth." It belongs to the whole church. However, its exercise is not left merely to the efforts of individual Christians or to the uncertain ventures of self starting, charismatic individuals. The church, as a single congregation or as a group of congregations, must call and authorize certain of its members to function publicly on its behalf. The public ministry, it is here maintained, is not a mere human arrangement or the product of sociological evolution but a divine arrangement from the beginning of the New Testament church. Already in the Old Testament God arranged for the priesthood and prescribed the manner of the selection of the priests. He also called and sent the prophets. They did not decide to prophesy on their own authority. They were selected and commissioned by God, and in some cases they assumed "the burden" with much reluctance. In the New Testament God chose, trained, and sent the apostles. In the post-apostolic church He continued and continues to choose, call, and send men for the ministry which is an expansion of the apostolic office to succeeding ages (Treatise, 10). ________________________________________ C. THE OFFICE OF THE PUBLIC MINISTRY The office of the public ministry is not merely a divine suggestion but a divine mandate. God has decreed that the church should carry out its functions not only in private, individual actions and speaking but also corporately by selecting men who meet God's criteria and whom He then places into the office of the public ministry. The office and its functions are called "public" not because the functions are always discharged in public, but because they are performed on behalf of the church. The acts of one who is called to fill the office of the public ministry are "public" even when they are performed privately with one individual. Moreover, the word "public" connotes accountability to those who have placed them into "public" office. The functions of the divinely established of fice of the public ministry can best be seen by looking at the nomenclature that Scripture uses to refer to it. In 1 Timothy 3:1 Paul uses the word episkopee, that is, the "oversight," to refer to the office of bishop. As a father manages his household, so the bishop stands at the head of his congregation as one who is charged with the duty of caring for the church of God. As the apostle Paul's co-worker, Timothy himself is to exercise the duties of this office as he worked among the congregations founded through the preaching of the apostle. As an overseer of the congregation, Timothy is to command and teach pur" In Ephesians 4:11-12 St. Paul refers to the various offices that God gave to the church for the building up of the saints for the work of service. Two important observations should be made within the context of this report. In giving the "shepherds and teachers" to the church, God was also appointing them, just as He appointed kings for Israel (1 Kings 1:48;1 Sam. 12:13; cf. Also Eph. 1:22). Moreover, by attaching the definite article "the" to "shepherds and teachers" the apostle indicates that teaching belongs to the essence of the duty eceived with thanksgiving. From all of this it is clear that the oversight is not exercised according to a man's own ideas and standards but according to the revealed will of God through the inspired apostles' God-breathed words. There is a bishop's office (episkopee) and oversight is one of its definitive functions. Another Scriptural term for the office of the public ministry is elder (presbyteros). There are different kinds of elders, and 1 Timothy 5:17 indicates that some were specifically engaged in preaching and teaching. The presbyters teach and preach the Word of God, by which the Holy Spirit creates and sustains faith in the hearts of the members of the flock and empowers and guides them for Christian living and service. Hebrews 13:7 indicates that there were in the church "leaders, those who spoke to you the word of God," and in verse 17 the people in the churches that are addressed are admonished: "Obey your leaders (heegoumenoi) and submit to them; for they are keeping watch over your souls, as men who will have to give account." In Ephesians 4:11-12 St. Paul refers to the various offices that God gave to the church for the building up of the saints for the work of service. Two important observations should be made within the context of this report. In giving the "shepherds and teachers" to the church, God was also appointing them, just as He appointed kings for Israel (1 Kings 1:48;1 Sam. 12:13; cf. Also Eph. 1:22). Moreover, by attaching the definite article "the" to "shepherds and teachers" the apostle indicates that teaching belongs to the essence of the duty of shepherding. Although there are varying interpretations of this passage from Ephesians 4, it is evident that teacher (didaskalos) does not refer to the modern office of the parish school teacher. The emphasis here is on how the saints are prepared for service by apostles, prophets, evangelists, and pastor/teachers. The pastor does this by teaching the Gospel and administering the sacraments. Hence the Lutheran Confessions call his of five "the ministry of teaching the Gospel and administering the sacraments" (AC V). Of great significance for the nature of the New Testament ministry are expressions like "the ministry of the word" (Acts 6:4), "ministers of a new covenant" (2 Cor. 3:6), "the ministry of the Spirit" (2 Cor. 3:8 NIV), "the ministry of reconciliation" (2 Cor. 5:18), and Paul's reference to himself as "a minister" of the Gospel (Col. 1:23). In Titus 1:5 Paul writes: "This is why I left you in Crete, that you might amend what was defective [ta leiponta, used intransitively to indicate what is absent, lacking, missing], and appoint elders in every town as I directed you." Immediately the prerequisites for such elders, who are referred to as bishops, are presented (v. 7). In Acts 14:23 the example of the apostles is recorded. They appointed(ordained) elders for them in every church.3 in Acts 20:17 and Acts 20:28 the terms elder and bishop are used interchangeably, as in Titus 1:5 and 7. In Acts 20:28 Paul admonishes the elders: "Take heed to yourselves and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to care for the church of God which he obtained with the blood of his own Son." From these references there emerges a picture of an office that was instituted by God, in and with the apostolate, for which very specific qualifications are listed, and the essence of which is properly defined in the Augsburg Confession as "teaching the Gospel and administering the sacraments" (AC V) on behalf of and with accountability to the church ("publicly") (AC XIV). No specific "checklist" of functions of the office of the public ministry is presented in the Scriptures. For instance, nowhere are we told specifically that an elder "celebrated communion" or that only the elders spoke the words of institution at the celebration of the sacrament. The supervision of the shepherd-elder-bishop is a supervision of the teaching of the Word and administration of the sacraments. In this way they are leaders to be obeyed in their speaking of the Word of God. They are supervisors of the spiritual life, the faith, and the Christian service of the church and its members. This is a heavy responsibility that no man can take upon himself but rather to which he must be legitimately called by the church (rite vocatus) (Acts 1:23-26; 13:2-3; 14:23; 2 Cor. 8:19; AC XIV). On the basis of the Scriptural evidence and the corroborating statements of the Lutheran Confessions, the office of the public ministry, the ministry of teaching the Gospel and administering the sacraments in the church, is divinely mandated. It may exist in various forms, that is, the "flocks" to which a man ministers may have various forms, and the of fice may be designated by a number of names, but it remains an office mandated by God for the good of the church. It is not enough to say that God commands that the Gospel be preached and that the sacraments be administered. God has ordained a specific office. The duty of those who hold the office by God's call through the prayerful summons ("call") of the church is to preach the Gospel and administer the sacraments in the church and to supervise the flock committed to their cared.4 _______________________________________ 3 The verb used in this passage is cheirotoneoo, "elect or choose by a show of hands." Reference to this root meaning of the verb may emphasize the congregation's role in calling men into the pastoral office. However, the word is also used in the simple sense of "choose." 4 Cf. Treatise on the Power and Primacy of the Pope, 59—62. "In the Confession and in the Apology we have set forth in general terms what we have to say about ecclesiastical power. "The Gospel requires of those who preside over the churches that they preach the Gospel, remit sins, administer the sacraments, and, in addition, exercise jurisdiction, that is, excommunicate those who are guilty of notorious crimes and absolve those who repent. By the confession of all, even of our adversaries, it is evident that this power belongs by divine right to all who preside over the churches, whether they are called pastors, presbyters, or bishops. Accordingly Jerome teaches clearly that in the apostolic letters all who preside over the churches are both bishops and presbyters." ________________________________________ D. OFFICE AND FUNCTION A distinction must be made between "office" and "function." Failure to make this distinction results in confusion. For instance, when a congregation is temporarily without a man to fill the office of the public ministry in its midst, it may ask a properly supervised teacher or a lay leader to perform some functions of the office of the public ministry. This is done in an emergency situation and not as a mere convenience. However, performing such functions does not make those who do them holders of the office of the public ministry. Even in such emergency situations a congregation properly requests a man who does hold the office of er memorialized in Acts 6 and 7 by the account of teighboring congregation to assume that office for them as "vacancy pastor" or "interim overseer." Thus the oversight and accountability remain with one whom the church has called and designated as a pastor and who supervises those who temporarily perform some pastoral functions. Such practices are common and reveal a "folk"" understanding of the ministry even if the root of such practices is not consciously analyzed. ________________________________________ E. OTHER OFFICES IN THE CHURCH The office of the public ministry includes within it all of the functions of the leadership of the church. Early in the history of the church we have an example of the church selecting some of its members to carry out in the stead of and under the direction of the apostles some of the functions of their ministry. In Acts 6 we read that, at the request of the apostles, the church selected and commissioned certain men to perform functions that the apostles had been carrying out. They were appointed to the duty of providing for the physical support of the widows in the church. They were called by the church in prayer and were set apart for their office by the laying on of hands. Scripture suggests (although it does not say it directly) that this new office was of great help to the work of the church. It is reported that immediately after they were commissioned "the word of God increased; and the number of the disciples multiplied greatly in Jerusalem" (v. 7). The caliber of these men is forever memorialized in Acts 6 and 7 by the account of the witness and martyrdom of Stephen. The church has the right to create offices from time to time that have the purpose of extending the effectiveness of the office of the public ministry. Here a word of C. F. W. Walther is instructive. He wrote: "The highest office is the ministry of preaching, with which all other offices are simultaneously conferred. Therefore every other public office in the Church is merely a part of the office of the ministry, or an auxiliary office, which is attached to the ministry of preaching .... "6 Walther sees such offices as "sacred offices of the church," and each exercises a function of the pastoral office of the church and is an aid to the pastoral ministry. The church has the right to distinguish such auxiliary offices of the church from each other. Some require extensive knowledge of Scripture, ability to teach or to counsel, or other capabilities that are closely related to the teaching and shepherding functions of the office of the public ministry. The church has always exercised the right to designate some of its offices as so involved in the spiritual functions of the office of the public ministry that it has provided specific training, is more formal in summoning members of the church to such offices, and has rightly included such offices within its concept of "ministry." Such offices call for functions that not only are necessary for the functioning of the public ministry but that only the church performs as an institution. Thus, the teaching of the faith in a Christian school is a function unique to the church. Properly speaking, a professional trained teacher who is called as a teacher by the church may be said to be performing a function of the office of the public ministry. The teaching of the faith to the children and youth of the flock is a major duty of the pastoral office. To refer to it as "the teaching ministry" is less awkward and readily understandable in the church. By using the term "teaching ministry" we are indicating the special nature of the auxiliary office of teacher in our church. One who is in the "teaching ministry" (man or woman) meets the following qualifications established by the church. He or she --has been trained in the educational institutions of the church, that received specific training in the understanding and teaching of religion, and has been certified as suitable and eligible for the teaching ministry by a faculty of the church. In some cases the requirement have been met by means of a colloquy program that includes training and evaluation. --has been placed into the teaching ministry formally and officially by a assignment of the Board of Assignments, which is the Council Presidents of the Synod. --is given authority to function in the teaching ministry in specific place by the formal call of a congregation or other legitimate calling agency (e.g., a District, the Synod, or others). --serves under the supervision of the called pastor in a congregation under other pastoral supervision in nonparish calls. --does work that is specifically spiritual in nature. Although he/she may teach some "secular" subject, the philosophy of Lutheran education includes the demand that the faith of the church be evident in all activities of the school. Law and Gospel, sin and grace are operative in the curriculum and methodology of a Lutheran school. --knows and publicly subscribes to the Lutheran Confessions. --is accepted formally as a member of the Synod, with the obligation to attend official conferences and District conventions. --may be chosen to represent groups of teachers as a delegate conventions of the Synod. --is answerable for the confessional purity of his/her teaching and pledged to a life that befits the Gospel of Jesus Christ. --may be removed from office because of impure doctrine, an ungodly life, or incompetence. --is pledged to be concerned for the spiritual and eternal welfare those committed to his/her care. Although not pledged to remain in the teaching office for a lifetime, the normal expectancy of the church and of teacher candidates is that, unless prevented by personal circumstances, the teaching ministry of an individual will be followed as a lifelong calling. These are the criteria by which our church designates the occupants of its teaching ministry office. ________________________________________ 5 Serving in the distribution of food did not in and of itself entitle Stephen, for instance, to preach or teach publicly. Since he clearly did so, our great theologians of the past, like Chemnitz and Gerhard, surmised either that the "seven" of Acts 6 were selected from among the ministers of the Word to begin with, or that some of them were subsequently ordained into the ministry of the Word. However, we are not told in the Scriptures that Stephen either was or became an elder of the Word. 6 C. F. W. Walther, "The Theses on the Ministry," in Walther and the Church, ed. Wm. Dallmann, W. H. T. Dau, and Th. Engelder (St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1938), p. 79. ________________________________________ F. ONE MINISTRY OR MANY? Is there one ministry in the church or many?7 in common parlance we do refer to "the pastoral ministry," "the teaching ministry," "the youth ministry," "the music ministry." Such terminology does convey meaning. It usually indicates that someone functions in a special way in the church by authorization of the church, usually full time and in a capacity that supports the ministry of Word and sacrament. However, less than cautious use of the term "minister" and "ministry" tends to blur the distinctions that need to be made and leads to practices that are theologically insupportable and that confuse the church about the doctrine of the ministry. Putting it simply, there is only one pastoral office, but the office which we formally refer to as "the office of the public ministry" has multiple functions, some of which are best handled by another, e.g., the parochial school teacher who is performing that function of the pastoral office. The pastoral office with all of its functions is mandated for the church. Other offices are established by the church to assist in carrying out pastoral functions. Thus, we may speak of various "ministries" in and of the church, but we must be careful to distinguish them properly. An of five is not defined solely by what one who holds it does (function) but by the duties, responsibility, and accountability assigned to it. The pastoral office is unique in that all the functions of the church's ministry belong to it. ________________________________________ 7 Cf. Die Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart, 3d ed. Under "Amt." "Strictly speaking only the Lutherans have a doctrine of the ministry, while at the corresponding place the Calvinists treat of ministries [Aemter, offices] and the Roman Catholics and Orthodox, as well as, in their own way, the Anglicans, of the hierarchy .... Lutheranism powerfully underscores, with its doctrine of the preaching ministry [Predigtamt] (AC 5) as the ministry [Amt], the position of the Gospel as the lifegiving center of the congregation." (Our translation.) ________________________________________ G. PARISH AND NON-PARISH PASTORS In considering the office of the public ministry one must consider the relationship between "parish pastors" and" non parish pastors." Some would deny the necessity for any distinction. To them only men whose office of the public ministry is carried out as pastors of congregations that are geographically locatable are really in the ministry of Word and sacrament. Others point to the personnel listing for The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod in The Lutheran Annual. It includes 18 categories under the heading "Pastors of Missouri Synod." Only one of them is "parish pastor." To be sure, the vast majority of names listed are designated as "parish pastor," and the parish pastorate is the primary form of the pastorate. But other kinds of pastors serve to provide a support system for the work of the parish pastor and his congregation. The classification code of the Synod also includes such designations as "Administration-District," "Administration- Synod," "Campus Pastor," "Military Chaplain," "Professor Serving a Synodical School." These are all listed as "pastors" and are often called "pastor" by people in the church. The question therefore arises whether or not only parish pastors are holders of the office of the public ministry. Some would solve problems in this area by asking what a man does during the week. Does he preach from the pulpit every Sunday? Does he celebrate communion once a month or more often? Does he make sick and shut-in calls? On that score only parish pastors-and not even some of them-would qualify as being in the office of the public ministry. The more theologically appropriate questions to ask are the following: Has the church found an individual to be qualified for the office of the public ministry? Has the church called him to exercise an overseeing and shepherding ministry in the church? Has the church formally called him to hold the office of the public ministry and entrusted him with the responsibility of that office, even though it may ask him to specialize in certain functions of this office? And is he, upon installation into the office, pledged to be and remain accountable for the faithful conduct of his office to God, to the church, and to the believers committed to his care? Questions such as these indicate a need for clarity and precision in the issuing of "calls." The question is also asked: is it possible to exercise the office of shepherd and overseer in the church only in a typical parish situation? In the case of "administrative officials," for instance, is the church calling as an "elder of the church" a man qualified to exercise oversight when it calls him to be a District president? Or a seminary professor? Or a campus pastor? The answer may be yes or no. It depends on the call. If a man is asked merely to perform a necessary but only secular function for the church but is not caller to public accountability as an overseer in the church, he is not in the office of the public ministry. However, District presidents who are charged with the oversight of the overseers of the flock, or professors who are charged with the oversight of the men who are preparing to be the shepherds of the church, or men who are charged with the oversight of the faith and life of the church's youth on a college campus or in the military can be properly said to be serving in the office of the public ministry of the church. This paper cannot delineate all of the possible ways in which the church may need to assign her spiritual leaders. Good order requires, however, that the church itself carefully define the offices and their functions to which it summons its spiritual leaders. It should exercise good stewardship in not thoughtlessly drawing men from the office of the public ministry to tasks that are necessary but that do not require one of the pastors of the church. Or, if a man agrees to accept a position that is not within the scope of the pastoral ministry, he should no longer function as a holder of the office of the public ministry but as a lay member of the church. Confusion occurs when men "resign from the ministry" but continue to appear as holders of the office of the public ministry doing such things as accepting occasional preaching engagements, performing marriages, or setting up business as ministerial marriage counselors. Since by such behavior a man holds himself forth as a pastor and performs pastoral functions without a call and without the authorization of the church-indeed having removed himself from the ministry-his actions must be declared wrong.8 A man who has been called by the church to serve as an elder who labors in Word and sacrament other than as a parish pastor is available to the whole confessional fellowship of the church to preach the Word, administer the sacraments, or perform any of the functions of the office of the public ministry at the invitation of any segment of the church. He does not need to be "called" each time he accepts an invitation to preach. The common usage of the church seems to sense this. Confusion arises when we assume that the church can function only as one congregation at a time, or that the ministry of Word and sacrament must be defined only in terms of the activities of a parish pastor. Worse confusion arises when a man who once held the office of the public ministry continues to function as such after he has publicly disavowed his call from the church. We may say here that this same principle applies to auxiliary offices of the public ministry. A teacher of the church is defined not solely by his or her teaching in an elementary classroom. The church may call him or her to serve as a director of education, a director of youth guidance, or some other post that is just as vital to the public ministry as classroom teaching.9 ________________________________________ 8 Cf. "A Statement on the Relationship of the Ordained Ministry to Pastoral Counseling." This statement, approved in 1978 by the Standing Committees of the Division of Theological Studies and the Department of Specialized Pastoral Care and Clinical Education of the Lutheran Council in the USA, is available from LCUSmmon understanding, the term "ordination" should be reserved for a man's entry into the office of the public ministry. The initial acceptance by the church of the gift also of those who are to serve in the vital auxiliary offices should be carried out with solemnity befitting the office. Tradition, common expectations, and the uniqueness of the pastoral office speak against using the term "ordination" for other than the office of the public ministry. Other suggestions regarding nomenclature appear below. entë0@nt @ apostolic custom. In keeping with this custom, the laying on of hands of other pastors, and the presence of teachers and members of the church from places other than the site of the ordainee's immediate call is meaningful. When a man is ordained in one congregation, for example, he is recognized as a member of the pubnt apostolic custom. In keeping with this custom, the laying on of hands of other pastors, and the presence of teachers and members of the church from places other than the site of the ordainee's immediate call is meaningful. When a man is ordained in one congregation, for example, he is recognized as a member of the public ministry of the whole confessional fellowship. Ordination as an act does not impart an additional authority that the call does not give, nor is it a sacrament. As a matter of uniform nomenclature and in accordance with common understanding, the term "ordination" should be reserved for a man's entry into the office of the public ministry. The initial acceptance by the church of the gift also of those who are to serve in the vital auxiliary offices should be carried out with solemnity befitting the office. Tradition, common expectations, and the uniqueness of the pastoral office speak against using the term "ordination" for other than the office of the public ministry. Other suggestions regarding nomenclature appear below. It may be added here that participation of clergymen of churches not within the confessional fellowship in the actual rite of installation is no more fitting than it is in a joint Communion service. In its sacred acts the church confesses its faith. Obviously, the presence of fellow Christians of other confessions or of civic leaders should be graciously welcomed and opportunity given for them to speak other than in the worship service itself, if they desire to do so. ________________________________________ 10 The word "ordination" may be used in a wide or in a narrow sense. In the wide sense it refers to the whole process of placing a qualified man into the office of the public ministry (cf. Ap XIII, 11-12). In the narrow, and more usual, sense "ordination" means specifically the rite of the laying on of hands, in other words, the form of ceremony, as distinct from the call as such. Cf. Pieper, Christian Dogmatics, 3:454. _________________________________________________________________ This text was converted to ascii format for Project Wittenberg by Rev. Robert Grothe and Rev. Todd Dittloff is in the public domain. You may freely distribute, copy or print this text. Please direct any comments or suggestions to: Rev. Robert E. Smith of the Walther Library at Concordia Theological Seminary. E-mail: bob_smith@ctsfw.edu Surface Mail: 6600 N. Clinton St., Ft. Wayne, IN 46825 USA Phone: (219) 452-2148 Fax: (219) 452-2126 _________________________________________________________________