Project Wittenberg

The Original Texts


Thomas Hansen Kingo, 1634-1703

Table of Contents

  1. "He that Believes and is Baptized" in Norwegian (1689)
  2. "Like the Golden Sun Ascending" in Norwegian (1689)
  3. "O Jesus, Blessed Lord, to Thee" in Norwegian (1689)
  4. "On My Heart Imprint Thine Image" in Norwegian (1689)
  5. "Praise to Thee and Adoration" in Norwegian (1689)
  6. "I Pray Thee, Dear Lord Jesus" in Norwegian (1699)
  7. "The Sun Arises Now" in Norwegian (1699)

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This document results from a cooperative effort of the volunteers of Project Wittenberg , Reverend Bob Smith, Project Coordinator, Cindy A. Beesley, Editor, and Debbie Harris, HTML Author. Document revised, May 20, 1998